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Improve your mental wellbeing, no drugs required

Patricia Sarmiento

In the Western world, we are often taught that better mental health begins in a therapist’s chair

and ends with prescription medication. While there’s absolutely nothing wrong with seeking

therapy when you need it, there are ways to improve your mental wellbeing starting today.

Keep reading for a few unique ideas that might just make a huge difference in your mood.

Manifest your dreams

Look ahead to what you want your future to be, and then put it into writing. By visualising what

you want, whether it’s love, wealth, or security, you put yourself in a position to better plan for all

that may come.

Work from home

Women working on her laptop from home

Cutting your commute to spend more time with family and less time fighting with traffic can be a key to feeling better about yourself and your life. In fact, making the transition is shown to improve mental health in key ways, such as reducing stress, enhancing mood, and boosting productivity. If you don’t currently have the option, discuss the possibility with your supervisor, and be sure to highlight the benefits your workplace will receive to help make your point.

Work for – or start – a charity

Volunteering is one of the greatest ways to quickly improve your mental health. Weigh how

much time you have to dedicate to a cause, as there are opportunities available for as much or

as little as you can spare. If you can’t find a cause near and dear to your heart nearby, consider

establishing your own nonprofit organisation to reach those who may be able to benefit from

your experience the most.

Clear negativity

The way that you present yourself to other people has a significant sway on how they react to

you. Maintaining positivity through smiling, cutting out complaining, and choosing to compliment

instead of criticise can shape an environment that is healthier and happier. And, when you look

happy, people may come to you with a better disposition. This in itself can help you have more

positive interactions each day, and that can go a long way toward improving your outlook.


According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine's National Center for

Biotechnology Information, something as simple as watching when you eat can alleviate

depressive symptoms and improve overall mental well-being. Try intermittent fasting for a 12-

week period, and you might discover you feel more positive and have more energy.

Sleep outside

You may love your air conditioner, but sleeping outside positively affects your hormones while

increasing your immunity levels. Further, fresh air improves brain function, and being outdoors

reduces stress.

Read a book

You already know that reading opens up your mind to a world you may not have known. But it

also offers a host of mental wellness benefits by improving the brain’s neural circuitry.

Have sex

Dr. Dana McNeil tells The Relationship Place about the benefits of bedroom intimacy. Not only

does regular sex boost your self-esteem and serotonin levels, but it can also help you sleep

better. Perhaps most importantly, the endorphins your brain releases during these intimate

moments can help lift depression.

Change clothes

Believe it or not, what you wear has a profound effect on your emotional state and mental

wellness. By dressing up or dressing down, you put yourself in a different mental state. So, don’t

feel bad about going shopping or splurging on a new outfit that makes you feel good about


Mental well-being is a matter of attitude and actions. And if you don’t have the money to visit a

therapist, now might be a great time to look for ways to improve your mental state one small

action at a time. Whether you’re starting your own nonprofit to help other people or settling

down with your partner in the evening, today’s tips can help you treat yourself better than ever.


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