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Veronique Theberge
Jul 6, 20243 min read
Parenting with a Brain Injury
Parenting is hard in the best of times, how does brain injury makes this role more complex?
Veronique Theberge
Apr 1, 20243 min read
Neurofatigue After Brain Injury
Neurofatigue is far reaching for someone recovering from a brain injury. Nothing make sense once your brain runs out of energy.
Veronique Theberge
Aug 28, 20234 min read
The impact of neurofatigue on relationships
Cognitive fatigue after brain injury often translate in managing your situation differently. Here we explore how it affects relationships.
Veronique Theberge
Jun 10, 20213 min read
Driving After Brain Injury
When the challenges linked to driving after encephalitis and acquired brain injury result in a loss of independence.
Veronique Theberge
Apr 12, 20216 min read
Adventure racing on a wonky brain
What are the effects of a payback after overexerting your brain following encephalitis & brain injury? This blog recounts an event.
Veronique Theberge
Nov 30, 20204 min read
Take Care of Yourself
The rollercoaster that is brain injury means that you must often take care of yourself first because you can't pour from an empty cup.
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