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Veronique Theberge
Nov 21, 20226 min read
Keeping the Faith and Never Giving Up: Jessica Garcia's stroke story
In this blog, I relate Jessica’s story. I address how spirituality became part of her recovery and approach to life after brain injury.
Veronique Theberge
Nov 11, 20226 min read
Travelling with a Brain Injury
Travelling after brain injury can be daunting. Sharing a personal experience and tips when travelling with a brain injury.
Allie Crestwood
Oct 18, 20223 min read
Four Great Reads on Keeping Your Brain Healthy
Guest post by Allie Cooper on how reading can help keep your brain healthy. Four book suggestions to combine brain health while reading.
Veronique Theberge
Sep 30, 20224 min read
Nurturing Brain Health & Mental Health
Let's explore how we can better brain heath and mental health through nurturing aspects such as safety, learning and social connections.
Veronique Theberge
Sep 25, 20222 min read
Brain Health and Mental Health
In this blog we explore how brain health and mental health are closely intertwined. But what is brain health? Well let's find out more.
Veronique Theberge
Sep 15, 20224 min read
Practicing Gratitude during Brain Injury Recovery
What is the negative bias, what are example of gratitude practices and how can practicing gratitude be helpful during brain injury recovery.
Veronique Theberge
Sep 9, 20225 min read
Knowing your Limits after Brain Injury
How far is too far following brain injury? Knowing our limits can be very helpful in our recovery, but how do we do that? Find out more
Veronique Theberge
Aug 18, 20227 min read
Connecting with Brain Injury Survivors
How connecting with other brain injury survivors can be beneficial to your recovery. Tips on initiating connection and sharing my experience
Veronique Theberge
Aug 8, 20224 min read
Brain Injury Anniversaries
Love them or hate them, brain injury anniversaries are bond to happen each year. How do you approach them? Are they a happy or sad moment?
Veronique Theberge
Aug 2, 20223 min read
Mindfulness for Brain Injury Recovery
What is mindfulness and how can you benefit from introducing it as part of your brain injury recovery plan? Example of practices and tips.
Veronique Theberge
Apr 27, 20226 min read
Nutrition and Brain Injury Recovery
Let's address the cycle of inflammation that can take place after brain injury and how nutrition can help minimise it from taking over.
Veronique Theberge
Apr 18, 20227 min read
EMDR: Processing Trauma
This is a collaborative blog where Veronique and Dr. Jen share insight on EMDR from a patient & also health professional perspective.
Veronique Theberge
Mar 21, 20227 min read
Setting Up Goals After Brain Injury
Setting goals following brain injury is an important part of moving forward, but it is also much easier said than done.
Veronique Theberge
Feb 14, 20223 min read
That's Life
Normalising and learning from the roller coaster ride that is brain injury recovery.
Veronique Theberge
Jan 14, 20222 min read
It's the Small Moments
How has your perception of all the small moments that make up your daily routine changed since experiencing your health issues?
Veronique Theberge
Jan 6, 20225 min read
Comparison, the Thief of Joy
When comparison between the old and new you after brain injury becomes the thief of joy!
Veronique Theberge
Nov 1, 20213 min read
Acceptance After Brain Injury
Acceptance, seems so simple right? What words have helped you being more accepting of the new you after brain injury?
Veronique Theberge
Oct 7, 20215 min read
Encephalitis Recovery & Rehabilitation
Recovering from encephalitis and acquired brain injury takes a team & lots of effort. Who's been part of your brain injury recovery journey?
Veronique Theberge
Sep 16, 20213 min read
Loving ourselves after brain injury
Recovering & living with a brain injury comes with many challenges, learning to love ourselves again being one of them. Sharing my thoughts.
Veronique Theberge
Aug 27, 20214 min read
Sound the Foghorn
Brain fog after brain injury...What is brain fog? What triggers it and some tips to try to alleviate brain fog.
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